Sausage and rice

One pot wonder.



  • 2 diced onions
  • 3 crushed cloves of garlic
  • 500g Pork sausage
  • 1 red pepper
  • Zucchini or broccoli
  • Baby tomatoes
  • 1 mug of rice (about 90% full)


  1. Fry up the diced onion and chopped garlic in some olive oil.
  2. Pop the rice on to cook separately.
  3. Add the sausages at this point to fry in the mix, or do them separately in the airfryer and add at the end.
  4. Chop the red pepper and add to the mix, along with chopped green veg and the baby tomatoes.
  5. Cut the sausage into discs, and add them when there's about 5 minutes left to go on the frying time.
  6. Finally, add in the rice and mix thoroughly.

Serves 4.